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Registration start: 8th December, 12:00 p.m.


The festival was fully booked in the past editions. Heidelberg is a very popular tourist spot and hotels are booked out quickly. Therefore, please make sure to book your place and accommodation early!



Booking Options


No tickets at the door! Participation only with prior Registration!


After you have registered via the registration form that will appear below on 8th December, you will receive an email confirmation including the payment instructions. After you have processed the payment no further participation confirmation will be sent. Your ticket/s will be deposited at the milonga entrance!



Festival Package 1

includes all Milongas from Thursday, August 28 until Sunday, August 31

165 Euro per person


Festival Package 2

includes all Milongas from Friday, August 29 until Sunday, August 31

149 Euro per person


The number of Packages is limited to 130 (according to the smallest venue)!


Pre-Milonga on Wednesday is not included in the Packages.

Single Milongas


Pre-Milonga Rose

Wednesday, August 27, 19:30 – 23:30

12 Euro per person


Pre-Milonga is not included in the Packages!


Little Castle Milonga / Open Air + Indoor

Thursday, August 28, 19:30 – 1:00

20 Euro per person


Afternoon Milonga

Friday, August 29, 15:00 – 20:00

20 Euro per person


Heidelberg Skyline Milonga with Live Orchestra

Friday, August 29, 21:00 – 2:00

45 Euro per person



Saturday, August 30, 15:30 – 20:00

20 Euro per person


Heidelberg Castle Milonga with Live Orchestra and Shows

Saturday, August 30, 21:00 – 3:00

54 Euro per person


Milonga above the Roofs of Heidelberg / Open Air + Indoor

Sunday, August 31, 13:00 – 19:00

25 Euro per person



Summer School

from Friday to Sunday


Complete 12-hour School including all units, plus 2 free Pre-Workshops

190 Euro per person


3 units, 9 hours, plus 1 free Pre-Workshop

145 Euro per person


2 units, 6 hours, plus 1 free Pre-Workshop

100 Euro per person


1 unit, 3 hours

55 Euro per person



on Wednesday and Thursday at 1,5 hours

25 Euro per person / workshop


How to reach the Milongas + Parking: click here

Registration form / Anmeldeformular