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Thursday, August 8, 2024

17:00 – 20:00  (incl. short break)

Workshop 1:

Rhythmical Sequences, Milonguero Turns and the Active Follower

Friday, August 9, 2024

13:00 – 16:00  (incl. a short break)

Workshop 2:

Dynamic closed Embrace to traditional Tangos and Neo/Non-Tangos

Saturday, August 10, 2024

12:00 – 15:00  (incl. a short break)

Workshop 3:

Turns in Open Style: from Giros and Enrosques to Planeos and Colgadas

Sunday, August 11, 2024

11:00 – 14:00  (incl. a short break)

Workshop 4:

Advanced Concepts in Nuevo Style, Turns and Colgadas

Tango Summer School is a 4-day intensive learning program (4 days à 3 hours) for intermediate and advanced tango dancers which takes place during Summer Tango Festival Heidelberg.

With our Summer School we want to give tango dancers who cannot attend our monthly Seminars the chance to work with us during a longer period of time intensively. Of course, the Summer School is also open to local tango dancers.

The focus of this year’s Summer School lies on dynamic dancing in Milonguero and Nuevo Style. We will deal with dynamic closed embrace, Milonguero embrace, open style and beyond. Moreover, will translate these to both traditional tangos and Neo/Non-tangos.

Summer School follows an integrated approach to tango: We look at a topic from different perspectives, i. e. musicality, technique, connection, aesthetics. We will give you plenty of material, well-founded information and concrete personal feedback – all of which is based on more than 30 years of tango expertise and teaching experience. With this approach we want to enable you to reach a long-lasting effect on the quality of your dance.

Teachers: Emile Sansour and Simge

Emile has been teaching tango for more than 30 years. He is the founder of Intango, the first school for Argentine Tango in Heidelberg, and one of the pioneers of Argentine Tango in the South of Germany. Emile has trained numerous tango dancers who are now tango teachers themselves. He teaches the Summer School together with Simge who also received her tango teacher training from Emile.

  • Workshop Venue:

    Goldene Rose, Hegenichstraße 10, 69124 Heidelberg – How to get there + Parking

  • Level: intermediate/advanced

  • Participation is possible in the complete Summer School and in single workshops.

  • Registration is possible for couples and singles.

    Single registrations: We will exchange mobile numbers of single partners before the workshops. Please get in touch with your new partner BEFORE the workshops. We recommend to meet and dance with your new partner before the workshops. Intango is not responsible if your new partner is late or doesn’t show up for the workshops.

  • Teaching languages: German and English

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