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Welcome to the 8th edition of Intango Weekend – our exclusive and international Summer Tango Festival in the enchanting city of Heidelberg, in the heart of Europe!
Experience Tango in Heidelberg’s unique and historic open air and indoor sites!
Dance tango in the world-famous ruins of the majestic Heidelberg Castle. Feel the embrace above the rooftops of Heidelberg with a breathtaking panoramic view of the historic Old Town and the picturesque landscape.
Dance in some of the most beautiful places Heidelberg has to offer, with internationally popular DJs, excellent orquestras and tango dancers from all over the world. Elevate your tango skills to new levels in a 4-day intensive Summer School.
Join us for a memorable experience that seamlessly combines dance, learning, and sightseeing.
Heidelberg – „city of poets and thinkers“ and tango …
For more than 30 years Intango has contributed to the formation of the tango scenes in Heidelberg and the Rhine-Neckar-region. As Heidelberg’s first and leading tango school we organise classes, milongas and unique tango events.
We are looking forward to a great festival with you 🙂
Your Intango Team
Click on the picture below and watch a clip of the last editions:
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